
Gotthard tunnel project

Kurz Silosysteme has been awarded the contract to supply 58 large-capacity bolted silos for rock processing at the Gotthard tunnel. The capacity of the individual silos is up to approx. 2,000 tonnes.

The Gotthard road tunnel, one of the most important road links through the Alps, is getting on in years and needs a comprehensive overhaul. With a length of 17 kilometres, the tunnel is the fourth longest in the world and the longest road tunnel in the Alps.

A second tube is being built so that the route can remain open during the renovation. It is expected to be in operation from 2030. The next step is to repair the first tube.

Both tunnels should then be open to traffic again from 2033.

> To the SRF news report

Fehmarn project

The turnkey system has already been handed over to the client (see also text in the construction blog – „Fördertechnik am Arbeitshafen installiert”). Two silos with a diameter of 12 metres and a capacity of approximately 1,500 tonnes each were installed. The silos are filled with cement by cargo ships via an approximately 200 metre long conveyor line. From here, the silo lorries are loaded and take over the further transport of the cement. The loading and unloading processes are monitored by a complex control system.

  • A project of superlatives as a central component of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor of the trans-European network
  • With a length of approximately 18 km, it is the world’s longest prefabricated immersed tunnel
  • The tunnel halves the journey time between Hamburg and Copenhagen
  • One of the largest construction sites in Europe
  • Combined rail/road link
  • Rail transport with two separate tubes
  • Road traffic with four lanes
Image and text source: Baublog Bauarbeiten Fehmarn

Dry mortar plant

in Germany

In addition to the delivery and assembly of approximately 900 tonnes of steel construction including approximately 5,500 m2 of facade cladding, our task was also to manufacture 38 silos designed for the storage of a wide variety of bulk materials.

Video installation of a silo plant

in Austria

Delivery and assembly of a silo plant with associated steel construction. The installation of the plant took place in Austria for a talc processing company.

Climate protection and sustainability

Sustainability is much more than just a buzzword for us. This topic has been very important to us for a long time. We generate a large part of our electricity from our own PV systems. Our vehicle fleet consists exclusively of hybrid and electric vehicles. In addition, we also pay attention to environmentally friendly solutions in our everyday operations – on both a large and small scale. This includes, among other things, the introduction of a paperless office in 2018.


Climate protection and sustainability

About us

As early as 1927, Wilhelm Kurz laid the foundation stone of the current company with the establishment of a forging business.

With one of the most modern silo productions, KURZ Silosysteme now stands nationally and internationally for maximum functionality and efficiency in the field of silo and silo plant construction. Through the successful fusion of state-of-the-art technologies, cross-industry expertise and decades of experience from an almost 100-year tradition, KURZ Silosysteme has developed into an expert in demand worldwide for the engineering as well as the production of silos and complex silo plants.

It goes without saying that competent advice is the basis for the success of a project. That is why the specialists at KURZ Silosysteme get in touch with the respective business partner right from the start to exchange technical ideas and, if necessary, analyse the local conditions directly at the planned plant location. In this way, solutions are developed and it is ensured that requirements are implemented efficiently. Training of the operating personnel in the course of the commissioning process is a matter of course. Whether new plant construction, retrofit, plant expansion or service and maintenance – KURZ Silosysteme assumes responsibility for the entire process and thus ensures a reliable production facility.

About us

Drone flight over our premises

Kurz GmbH
Stahl- und Behälterbau

Rosenhöhe 9/1
74336 Brackenheim

Telephone +49 (0) 7135 175-0
Telefax +49 (0) 7135 175-75